Life on the Ranch

Life on the Ranch
In 45 heart-warming devotions, Drusilla Dye illustrates God's lessons in everyday ranch adventures, inspiring readers with her series Life on the Ranch: Life Lessons I Learned on the Ranch. To purchase a book, please send $12.95 plus $2.50 for postage to Drusilla Dye, 81 Finger Buttes Trail, Alzada, MT 59311 The book may be purchased for your Kindle at

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Vacation

A week off from work feels like a week of Saturdays.

I went to town on Monday thinking that it was a Saturday. (Stores close early on Saturday in Belle Fourche.) I stopped at the Belle Inn for Breakfast (there were only men in there at 7:00 A.M.) only to go out to my car and find ANOTHER flat tire. The new gravel on Hwy 323 is messing around with tires. Mike had two on his pilot car and one on another vehicle. I looked at that flat tire, looked at my watch, thought about changing the tire and then thought about my back and how I didn't want to go through the pain. Then a great idea occurred to me, I went back into the Belle Inn and offered to buy breakfast for any one that would change my tire. Finally Don Linch (he moved our cows to Gillette and back home in his trucks) after a look of "Please" came out and helped me. He wouldn't let me buy him breakfast though, so I told Chip he owes Don a breakfast or lunch or supper! I did make it to my brake appointment on time after dropping off my tire at West Tire and a picture frame at Dakota Lumber. The tire had an inch long cut in it and I ended up buying a new one. Since the tire was only 9 months old, they gave it to me for 50% off. I am not sure how I got to town with whatever was in it or if I picked it up at the Belle Inn.

What a guy! Chip and I took off Tuesday morning for a hunting trip to White Sulphur Springs and Lewistown. He was supposed to hunt and I was going to work on my book. Wednesday morning Chip asked me to ride around with him, so we drove up to the Belt Mountains where there was at least a foot of snow and the roads were icy. The wind was blowing 30 MPH and it looked like a great day to stay inside. We spent some time in the warm spring pool at the motel and ate at three different restaurants in town for breakfast, lunch and supper. When I asked Chip about hunting he said, "I am enjoying the time alone with you!" Ahhhhh! We did have a great time and headed home on Thanksgiving.

I knew that hunting wasn't out of his system yet, since he still had Friday, Saturday and Sunday to fill his bull and cow tag. He said that he didn't care as he only had three days left to get his elk. Friday morning I asked him about unpacking his suitcase after noticing his hunting clothes in the dryer. He wasn't sure as he was still toying with the idea of hunting.

I finally asked him, "Do you want to go hunting?

He said, "Well, there are three whole days left in the season, and once it is over, it is behind me!"

So I replied, "Would you rather go hunting or spend time home alone with me -----and help me get some work done?" (Did I say something wrong there?)

He was pretty serious until I laughed. I guess I shouldn't have added the last part to that sentence. I told him to go and he was gone within 30 minutes. I hope he gets a huge bull and the cow as well.

What a dog! Jake went with us on our trip. The pickup ride got pretty old to him and he was not happy with the motel room. He wanted to run, and we wouldn't let him out of our sight. In the motel, he would be sitting on Chip's feet or would jump up on the bed to be with him. He slept by the door so he knew where we were at all times. Jake was thrilled to be home on Thursday! He was outside all day on Friday except when he went to town with me. He was a little unhappy with Chip for not coming home last night. He didn't understand that one, but once again he is now outside doing what little Corgis do.

School starts up again on Monday for three weeks before the next break.

I must get busy on all that work to do. All of the road crew are gone and now I can finally get The Shed organized and cleaned.

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving.
