Life on the Ranch

Life on the Ranch
In 45 heart-warming devotions, Drusilla Dye illustrates God's lessons in everyday ranch adventures, inspiring readers with her series Life on the Ranch: Life Lessons I Learned on the Ranch. To purchase a book, please send $12.95 plus $2.50 for postage to Drusilla Dye, 81 Finger Buttes Trail, Alzada, MT 59311 The book may be purchased for your Kindle at

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rounding up the cows

We received a call Saturday evening that our cows were mixed up with the neighbor's yearlings. We won't talk about how that happened, except that they have probably been sharing pastures most of the summer.

Chip got on the phone and gave Kelly a call. She rounded up a friend with a horse and was in Alzada by 11 A.M.

The video (if I get it to post) is after the work was finished. Thanks for the help.

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