Life on the Ranch

Life on the Ranch
In 45 heart-warming devotions, Drusilla Dye illustrates God's lessons in everyday ranch adventures, inspiring readers with her series Life on the Ranch: Life Lessons I Learned on the Ranch. To purchase a book, please send $12.95 plus $2.50 for postage to Drusilla Dye, 81 Finger Buttes Trail, Alzada, MT 59311 The book may be purchased for your Kindle at

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Blessings

When I wrote the book Life on the Ranch: Life Lessons I Learned on the Ranch, I have to admit that I was somewhat nervous of what people would think of the book and of me. In the last couple of weeks, I have been truly blessed with what I have heard.

First: My niece emailed me and shared how her youngest son after hearing the story about the little five year old boy being hit with a car and my concern whether or not this child was in Heaven, decided that he wanted to make sure that if he were to die, he would go to Heaven. He closed his eyes and asked Jesus to save him.

Secondly: A friend of ours bought two books. His comment was, “If I like it, I will buy more.” He called me and ordered ten more books. He gave one to his mom and dad. His mom’s comment was that she really liked it and wished that she would be able to read the second one. She passed away a couple of weeks ago. At the funeral, our friend gave away all of the books.

Thirdly: My oldest brother shared the two chapters about our mom and dad with a friend who had recently lost his young uncle. The Lord used those two chapters to help him through his difficult time.

Fourthly: Chip and I made a quick trip to town today to beat the snowstorm that was coming our way. We decided to have breakfast at the local restaurant. We had just sat down when a lady mentioned my book. We had sold her the book just before Christmas while she was eating lunch with a bunch of church friends. The book had been passed around to four different people and she had finally gotten it back. Several of these people want to buy their own copy just to use for reference and to have on hand. This lady’s husband is a brother-in-law to Pastor Salem who worked with Chip’s granddad to build the First Baptist Church in Belle Fourche. (They are looking for a pastor as their pastor has resigned.)

Fifthly: I work with a young teacher who sent the book to her parents. After reading the book she was informed that her aunt and uncle went to the same college as I had attended and that her dad had spoken in chapel. After thinking about that I bit, I decided that I had probably seen this person when she was a baby. (I did think that she looked familiar!)

Lastly: I have been very surprised with the people in Belle Fourche who have asked me to put my book in their stores or businesses. A special thanks to these people.

I have many more books to sell so if anyone would like a copy, please send a letter with $12.95 plus $2.50 to Drusilla Dye, 81 Finger Buttes Trail, Alzada, MT 59311. If you are in another country, send me an email at and we will figure out postage and a way to make the transaction.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What a winter!

This month is slowly coming to a close.  Every weekend has had some form of snow or wintry mix.  This weekend looked like it was going to be a good weekend for travel and a visit to the ranch, but today the meterologist threw us a winter weather watch for Saturday.  I may have to stay in Lame Deer once again.  That isn't all bad since I have all of my sewing projects here, 13 boxes of my book Life on the Ranch:Life Lessons I Learned on the Ranch, and my laptop so that I can continue to work on the second book Life on the Ranch: Life Lessons I Learned from Hunting.  But even with all that work available, I would rather be home on the ranch with my husband.

My short walk from school housing to the school is paved with a sheet of ice several inches thick, layer of sand and then several inches of snow over it.  I put my "chains" on my shoes and head down the hill.  Thankfully, I havent fallen yet although I did do the splits the other day! 

The ranch has its usual visitors of two owls in the tree, 8-12 grouse, some partridges, jackrabbits and deer. 

Chip keeps busy feeding the livestock.  They are usually ready for the hay when it comes. They and most all Montanans are ready for a beautiful, warm, sunny day.  Hope that your's is full of sunshine.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy New Year

2011 has come in with sunshine and warm weather, only to have plenty of snow and cold weather to follow.  The snow falling was beautiful as the big flakes floated to the ground.  With 35 degree weather most of it melted this afternoon, but I am sure that with night setting in, the ground or water is freezing.  Those roads will be plenty slick tonight.

The cows and sheep are definitely enjoying the hay that is placed before them. 
Hoping all are enjoying the New Year
