Life on the Ranch

Life on the Ranch
In 45 heart-warming devotions, Drusilla Dye illustrates God's lessons in everyday ranch adventures, inspiring readers with her series Life on the Ranch: Life Lessons I Learned on the Ranch. To purchase a book, please send $12.95 plus $2.50 for postage to Drusilla Dye, 81 Finger Buttes Trail, Alzada, MT 59311 The book may be purchased for your Kindle at

Thursday, May 9, 2013

New Life

Spring is a time of new life. A time when ranchers anticipate the new arrivals of calves and lambs.  It is a time when there is hope for the future.  As we look at the cute babies, we know that they will grow up and eventually sell.  They represent food on the table, wool for clothing and leather for gloves or chaps.  They represent a paycheck for the rancher.

Spring is the time of year where new kittens arrive.  They too are very cute, but have a special job on the ranch of getting rid of mice and moles.  I must admit that my cats spend more time begging for a free handout.

This spring we have not received the moisture that is so much needed to raise the babies to market weight.  The fish have died in many ponds, the geese are inhabiting the area, making a mess of the water and the water has gone bad.

Zechariah 10:1 says "Ask rain from the Lord in the season of the spring rain, from the Lord who makes the storm clouds, and he will give them showers of rain, to everyone the vegetation in the field."
Ranchers are already taking weigh up cows to market.  Every cow that is not producing or has lost a calf is not worth keeping around.  Without rain, more cows and calves will be headed to market causing the rancher to change their operation.
Please pray that we will get rain to bring new life to the grass in the fields.
